Recipe: Pita Bread

For me, pita bread feels like home. I grew up on pita bread and hummus as a dietary staple so this recipe is a firm favourite in our house. If you struggle with PCOS, you might feel that bread is off limits, but that is simply not the case. All breads can be part of a healthy balanced diet so instead of fearing bread, aim to include a variety of wholegrains and carbohydrates in your diet and this pita bread can be one of them. Let me know if you try making it!


250g strong white flour

5g salt

7g dried yeast

20g nigella seeds

160ml cool water

2 tsp olive oil

Serving size: Makes around 5 pitas 

Equipment needed

Large bowl

Measuring jug

2 baking trays



  1. Measure out the flour into a large bowl and add the salt on one side and yeast on the other.

  2. Add the nigella seeds, 120ml water and 2 tsp oil and then mix using the fingers of one hand.

  3. Keep mixing until the dough is soft and smooth. You can add more water if needed, though you might not need it all. 

  4. On an oiled surface, knead the dough for 8-10 mins until it is smooth and elastic

  5. Shape it into a ball, place in an oiled bowl and cover with a cloth for 1 hour to rise. It should at least double in size. 

  6. Heat the oven and baking trays at 220 degrees.

  7. Knock back the dough, folding it on itself until all the air is knocked out.

  8. Divide into 5 equal pieces and shape each one into a ball.

  9. Flatten each ball with your fingers and then roll into an oval, 5mm-1cm thick.

  10. Dust the hot trays from the oven with flour and then lay the pitas on there to bake for 5-10 mins in the oven until it starts to brown a little. 

  11. Keep the pitas wrapped in a clot to keep them soft and serve when ready.

Top tips

  • Make sure your oven is hot before baking your bread and always use a hot baking sheet or oven stone. 

  • Try to roll out your dough as thin as possible without it breaking 

  • You can freeze the pitas or enjoy them fresh out of the oven

If you’re looking for recipe inspiration, then head over to our recipe page for more delicious healthy recipes. 


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